Monday, April 30, 2007

Beautiful Lake Bob

Of all the things I saw on my trip, I think THIS was my very favorite. Next to the road in Bakersfield, Oregon is this small lake with a sign announcing the name of the place:
Beautiful Lake Bob.
I don't care who you are, that's funny!


random.ken said...

So, is "Bob" a noun or verb? "Let's go bob around in Lake Bob" -- "You know, Robert is pretty cocky since they named that lake after him."

Seriously though, I'm looking forward to "Witty Lake Chris" or something.

Therese said...

Wow! That must be somewhere near Pasture Ed. Sure is a pretty place, though.

Denise Saxon said...

I'm going to say it's a "noun". The Great Salt Lake Bob would be a verb...because you do "bob" in the Great Salt Lake...that's my theory anyway.
