Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spring Awakening? Where Did the Buzz Come From?

I LOVE musicals...I've seen several and I'm always trying to go to new ones. I knew nothing about Spring Awakening, but I read the reviews and I was totally prepared for it to be the best thing I've seen since The Phantom...I read the review on the Portland Mercury website and I was offended the reviewer was so hard on this play I was sure I was going to love.

Then I saw it...well, most of it...I left towards the end because I wasn't entertained enough to ride it out until the end and have to wait in the parking garage traffic. If you click the link above and go read the Mercury review it says everything I'm thinking after seeing it. The only thing I could add is that my big question was, "Where was the choreography?" And for the little bit of choreography there was: "Who thought that up? Madonna's Vogue Dancers from her Blond Ambition Tour?" Not good.

The biggest epiphany I was having is that I feel like I'd seen this play before, only a much better felt like it was sort of trying to be Rent, without the great storyline, characters you cared about and really great choreography.

This smoldering terd of a play has won a bunch of Tony Awards and has received much critical acclaim. I guess either I am too old, or too young to relate quite right to this...I was very disappointed. Portland has a great lineup of musicals coming up this Winter: The Color Purple, Moving Out and Wicked. Of those three, I've only seen Moving Out, but I will go again because THAT was some truly fine choreography combined with some of the greatest music ever written in our time. I'll let you know about The Color Purple after I make the trip to the theater. Hopefully I'm more satisfied than I was with this least the ticket wasn't very expensive. Whew....

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