Well, I finally finished my book. The working title is Eleven Years and it's something I started writing right after Beau was put to sleep to make myself feel better at the time. As it turns out there were a lot of things I was able to work out by writing this, and I actually think it's good...it needs some editing and whatnot, but plotwise and charactor wise, in my opinion it's good. This is my synopsis I've been sending out that sort of gives you an idea of the plot:Eleven Years is a novel about love and relationships between real people, except the story---told from several alternating first-person points of view---is not only told by humans, but several wise animals as well. The story is about living life rather than just floating along with it, understanding the signs that guide you, and most importantly having a little faith in a better tomorrow, no matter WHAT people throw your way.
As the World clicks along forward it seems that people are losing touch with how to express affection for each other; anger comes easily to us but affection doesn’t seem to any more. Where people are showing affection---as the exponential growth rate of the pet industry shows---is to their pets. Why? Maybe in grasping for something to love that never seems to disappoint there is no finer choice than the Animal Kingdom. That said, what if humans aren’t really the wise beings at all; what if mostly unbeknownst to us the animals are actually guiding US?
Eleven Years is the story of half a dozen people and nearly as many animals whose lives in a sense affect each other, even though most of the humans don’t even know each other personally. After Beau the dog initially voices his wisdom on what mankind as a group is doing wrong, the story then begins in Washington State with Deborah and Mark battling to keep a doomed marriage alive. Although everybody around Deb and Mark have no idea why they ever got married in the first place, when you are taken inside each of their personal points-of-view that reason eventually makes itself clear. 1000 miles away in San Francisco Anna and Paul are simultaneously having the same problem. The common link between these two couples is this; although from the outside the problems are obvious, from the inside neither couple can identify the source of their constant discontent. It often takes a sharp blow to one’s lifestyle to kick them into making a change.
One night in the mid-90’s during the beginning of the internet chat boom Paul and Deborah innocently meet online. Neither realize that a relationship that begins in the most unlikely of ways and via the most unlikely of mediums is going to prove to be the most lasting and intense relationship either of them have ever experienced.
Over-seeing the whole story is Beau, the wise Australian shepherd. Beau’s mission is a difficult one; he is not only on Earth to guide Deborah, but he also must find a way to guide Paul THRU Deborah. Not an easy task for a dog who has to try and work around an over-zealous puppy, a constantly upsetting fighting couple, conflict between love for all concerned, and still finding time to chase the UPS man in his spare time! To make things even more difficult Beau knows he only has a mere 11 year lifespan to accomplish such a lofty goal.
This book not only tells how the characters interact with each other, but due to the first person representation each character can also tell you the “why”. Often times I believe “why” a person actually takes a certain action and the “why” perceived by others are often two very, very different things. Beau and his animal support staff do their best to help the humans realize it’s okay to believe in the best rather than the worst and most importantly that love and how it can be expressed takes on many, many forms.Now I need to find somebody to help me sell it....and time and time again I've heard that "references by acquaintences" is the best way to make that happen. So....if anybody knows somebody who's published a book and might be able to direct me, or if you know anybody in publishing/editing, please let me know. I have more books where this came from, and I'm dying to market it (that's the fun part), however I don't have the money to self-publish at this point so I'm going to have to find a buyer to print it for me. Wish me luck!