Thursday, March 23, 2006
Train Concert Review Amongst Other Things....
I have a rule: Never type and drink. Alas, I tend to break that rule; not a lot but "some". Gonna do that tonight. Do you ever have one of those days/weeks where virtually every emotion you are capable of all happen in the same week? I've been having one of those. I've been stoked because I had one of the coveted Train tickets at the Crystal Ballroom, which is a VERY small venue for such a big band. It's been sold out for weeks and I had a ticket.
So, the day arrives. I went about my day as usual, did my work, worked on school, went to the gym, etc...Went to get dressed for the concert and FLIPPED OUT because the last time I'd had these jeans on they were a lot looser than they are now. How the HELL am I doing this much dieting and working out, yet my ass is getting bigger? That was very depressing...almost didn't go to the concert in lieu of staying home and feeling sorry for myself. But, I'm Denise and we always must move on no matter what. I huffed myself into my jeans and went to the concert. Got there early so I decided on a day like this what better thing to do than fall off the wagon and get good and liquored before going to the concert? Did that. Had many glasses of wine and got good and lubed. Skipped the warm up band and went up in time for Train. It was a general admission concert and it was THE MOST POLITE G.A. crowd I've ever been in. If everybody had decided to push just a little we would have all been 4 feet from the stage; but, nobody did. I ended up stuck behind some blonde Amazon woman who was about 6 feet tall. I tried to organize a push to the front riot but didn't have enough heart in it to really make it happen. I lasted for about 5 songs, decided Train live isn't much different than Train on album so I left, bought a bottle of wine on the way home, got pulled over by Vancouver P.D. (some a-hole stole my '07 sticker off my license plate...bastards...) and I came home. Here I am.
So, what was wrong with the concert? Nothing. I'm involved with another man still: Bono. December 19th was the last N. American date of the Vertigo Tour, I was there and it was as close to God as I feel I ever get. No, Bono isn't God, but I'm pretty sure God comes to watch him sing once in awhile: that concert was one of those nights. So, since that night I've been to Kris Kristofferson, which was good because it was so different (Although I nonetheless left before it was over), and this Train show which I also left before it was over. Gonna take me awhile to get over the last one before I can move onto the next one. To tell you the truth this Train concert would have been okay, but it wasn't a stagette sort of thing; would have been a great date concert. That's where I went wrong; shouldn't have gone by myself. Who knew though? I go most places by myself and it usually works out fine; tonight it didn't. Oh well....
High points that over-ride tonight? Been an interesting week. I'll keep it completely vague so it remains interesting, but here's the crypt: I never like anybody different but I like him; he's with her. I still like the other him as well but he's still with her too plus he's decided he doesn't want to talk to me any more because of she (and him)(and me)...I'm not particularly broken up about either of them because I'm me which doesn't matter since the more things change the more they stay the same. LOL! Make sense? It shouldn't, because it makes sense to ME and that's the whole point. Get it? If you don't then that's good because you shouldn't. :-)
I had a man from the East Coast write me today about my Second Hand Lions Story...he Googled himself onto my site because he was looking for the "what every boy needs to know to be a man" speech and then he allegedly got caught up in all my Bono stories and loved my blog. THAT made my day. A friend who is very active in the blog technology told me awhile back that I'm going at it incorrectly, my blog isn't following the intent of the format and I'm sure I am wrong (in questions of technology he is generally right). However, that man finding my blog, reading it and becoming inspired is EXACTLY why I put it there in the first place. Wrong or not, my own personal mission was accomplished in part today. I like that. Now if my ass had just fit into my pants better and I'd had less A.D.D. at the concert the day would have been perfect. I guess that gives me something to shoot for tomorrow, huh? As Scarlett would say, "Tomorrow is another day". Seems likely that is the case.
I can always hope!
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