Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bono's National Prayer Breakfast Speech

This is a good one. Check it out if you have time. Click on the link below that says "Bono's Speech" and it will take you right to it. Then click on the button that says "play" under the picture and it will play the audio of the speech for you.
Bono's Speech


MissMargo said...

Widely known fact about Miss Margo:

Has an entire room in her apt wallpapered with U2 posters.

Random fact about dressage:
Half-pass ain't that tough if your horse can do a leg yeild and shoulder fore.

Welcome to the blogsphere!

Denise Saxon said...

I've been telling everybody they'll find out everything about me they ever need to know about me by reading my post, "My Infamous Bono Story". That says it all.

My horse can walk and trot forward. He will leg yield. As for being on the bit, ever? Not. Do we canter? No. Have I worked with him enough to expect more? No. He's a draft cross so I'm going slow with him..I figured forward at the walk/trot was plenty for 3. We'll see where we get as a 4 year old.