Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Feeling "Sort Of" Suicidal?

Are you feeling "sort of" suicidal, and you wish you could kick yourself the rest of the way over? Are you thinking you'd like to hate men completely, but you are sort of on the fence? Well, if that's the case, I have the solution for YOU! Rent the Showtime Original Movie of Bastard Out of Carolina on DVD. THAT will kick you the rest of the way towards suicide and you will be cursing weak women and child molesting men as you are making the final cut, or tying that final knot for your "short drop with a quick stop". LOL! I kept waiting for it to work out okay, and it never did....The only redeeming thing about the movie is when the sister, who was the loner mannish woman living out in the woods and never settling down (portrayal of a lesbian woman in the 40's) sees the girl has literally had the meat whipped off her ass, calls in the 4 tough men relatives, shows them the girl's butt and then tells them, "Kill him!" They go out and start kicking the shit out of him while "mannish woman" holds the girl's mother down who is screaming "they're going to kill him!" and trying to go save him. I figured that from there the mother would see the light and things would be okay. Oh no...not to be. Instead she asks the girl if she wants to come home and live with them again "so they can be a family again". She assures the girl that this time she knows he won't hurt her again. The GIRL is the one who actually has some sack and tells her mother she can go back to him but she will not go with her. The girl stays with the Aunt.

Alas, as timing would have it the A-hole shows up at the Aunt's house when the Aunt is of course down at the river fishing. Turns out he beats the crap out of her, breaks her nose and her arm and then proceeds to rape her on the living room floor (did I mention the girl is 12 years old?) The mother shows up, catches him IN THE ACT and ends up sympathizing with him. AAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! In the end she chooses the guy over her daughter and leaves her daughter at the Aunt's house to live. I assume she continues living with the child molester. Sweet Jesus! Go to sleep on THAT note. I'm watching some comedy with Dennis Quaid right now so that I don't wake up screaming with nightmares!

Anyway, Bastard Out of Carolina? I give it 2 thumbs down, but a "10" on the depression meter! If you're into feeling like shit buy your own copy and watch it back to back with Schindler's List!


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