Friday, February 10, 2006

"What Every Boy Needs to Be a Man" Speech

I've seen Secondhand Lions on DVD a couple of times now, and I finally broke down and bought it. It's most definately a feel good movie, and the acting is good; with Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, Keira Sedgewick and Hailey Joel Oswalt, well, how can it suck? It doesn't. My favorite thing about this movie is the speech that Robert Duvall gives Hailey Joel a small piece of towards the end of the movie. Haily Joel's charactor is upset because his mother (Keira Sedgewick) always lies to him. He tells Robert Duvall that he doesn't know what to believe in anymore. So Robert Duvall tells him there is a speech he's been giving boys who were almost men for many, many years, and he tells him he's going to give him just a small piece of it. This is what he says:

"If you want to believe in something, believe in it. Just because something isn't true doesn't mean you can't believe in it. Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most:

That people are basically good.

That courage, honor and virtue mean everything.

That power and money, money and power mean nothing.

That good always triumphs over evil.

And I want you to remember this;

That love,true love,

Never dies.

You remember that boy, remember that.

Whether they're true or not those are the things a man should believe in because those are the things worth believing IN. Got that?

I think that's my favorite quote from ANY movie EVER. And for me, that's saying a lot, because my entire life's philosophy is based on one movie/song quote or another. It's who I am.

I think this should actually be the "What Every Human Needs to Know to Actually Live" speech. The other thing I find as time goes on is that the most difficult thing to do is to learn to trust yourself and what YOU feel rather than what everybody has conditioned you or tells you that you should feel. It can be done, but it's a challenge. I have an entire novel on the way on that very subject. Nothing I'm working on right now, but give me time.

The movie trailer is here:

1 comment:

tgace said...

I agree with you 100% That quote cuts right to the heart of what is going wrong in our cynical, self-centered and manic/depressive society.